what we do

Social Marketing of Healthcare Products

in Rwanda

Who We Are

SFH Rwanda Staff at Kayonza Open Day, showcasing to participants a mosquito repellent coil, a malaria prevention product.

At the forefront of social marketing and behavioural change communication stands the Society for Family Health Rwanda, a pioneering organization established in 2012, that combines ground-breaking business strategies with inventive approaches to ignite change in vulnerable individuals. Our mission is not just to improve lives, but to create a vibrant tapestry of health, strength, and resilience that spans across generations.


To achieve this goal, SFH Rwanda employs a well-established private sector distribution channel that has been carefully developed over 10 years. This includes partnerships with more 10,000 outlets served by wholesalers, semi-wholesalers, and retailers in both urban and hard-to-reach areas, ensuring access and availability of various health products in their social marketing portfolio.

Among the products distributed by SFH Rwanda include; Malaria prevention products like (bed-nets and mosquito repellents), HIV Prevention products (PreP pills, condoms, Self-test kits and lubricants), Sanitation and hygiene products (water purifiers), Family Planning (EC pills, OC pills and



Who We Are

SFH Rwanda Staff at Kayonza Open Day, showcasing to participants a mosquito repellent coil, a malaria prevention product.

In a world where adolescent sexual reproductive health (ASRH) remains a critical issue, Society for Family Health Rwanda (SFH Rwanda) stands at the forefront, advocating for and empowering young individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.


Understanding the challenge:


Adolescence marks a pivotal stage in one's life, characterized by physical, emotional, and social changes. amidst these transitions, young people often grapple with questions and concerns related to sexual and reproductive health. In Rwanda, like many other countries, teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), and limited access to reproductive health services are pressing issues that demand attention.

In a world where adolescent sexual reproductive health (ASRH) remains a critical issue, Society for Family Health Rwanda (SFH Rwanda) stands at the forefront, advocating for and empowering young individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.


Understanding the challenge:


Adolescence marks a pivotal stage in one's life, characterized by physical, emotional, and social changes. amidst these transitions, young people often grapple with questions and concerns related to sexual and reproductive health. In Rwanda, like many other countries, teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), and limited access to reproductive health services are pressing issues that demand attention.

Accessible Services:

In addition to education, SFH Rwanda ensures that adolescents have access to a wide range of reproductive health services. Youth-friendly centers, located in communities across Rwanda, have been trained to provide confidential and non-judgmental care, including counselling, testing, and access to contraceptives. These centers serve as safe spaces where young people can seek guidance and support without fear of stigma or discrimination.

Innovative approaches:

SFH Rwanda leverages innovative approaches to reach and engage adolescents effectively. from peer education programs and school-based initiatives to the use of technology, such as the CyberRwanda and Mbaza website, the organization harnesses various platforms to disseminate accurate information and promote positive health behaviours among youth.

SFH Rwanda's response:

SFH Rwanda recognizes the importance of addressing these challenges comprehensively. through strategic partnerships and evidence-based interventions, the organization implements a range of programs aimed at promoting adolescent sexual reproductive health across the country.

Comprehensive Education and Awareness:

Central to SFH Rwanda’s approach is the provision of comprehensive education and awareness on adolescent sexual reproductive health topics. From HIV/AIDS prevention and contraception to gender-based violence (GBV) and family planning, young individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

Measuring impact

The impact of SFH Rwanda’s efforts is tangible and far-reaching. Rehabilitation of youth centers, training of peer educators, distribution of contraceptives, and workshops on reproductive health are just some of the initiatives that have contributed to positive outcomes. Reduced rates of teenage pregnancies, increased utilization of reproductive health services, and empowered youth advocates are testaments to the organization’s success.

Looking ahead:

As SFH Rwanda continues its work in adolescent sexual reproductive health, the organization remains committed to addressing emerging challenges and meeting the evolving needs of young people. By fostering partnerships, advocating for policy change, and amplifying the voices of adolescents, we strive to create a future where all individuals have the knowledge, resources, and support to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Get involved

Join us in our mission to empower adolescents and promote sexual reproductive health. whether through volunteering, advocacy, or support, there are many ways to make a difference. Together, we can build a healthier, more inclusive society for generations to come.

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